How to Adapt a Cookbook's Recipe for a BOSCH Kitchen Mixer


If you have a BOSCH Kitchen Mixer you know it performs its best with a large batch of dough that yields 4 - 6 loaves. It makes baking bread for the family a breeze and in less than 2 hours you can have enough loaves of bread for the entire week or if you don't need the extra loaves you have plenty to share and give away. 

I often find delicious bread recipes in my old cookbook collection but normally they usually only yield 1 or 2 loaves. While scouring my cookbooks today I came across the recipe for Country Fair Bread in a vintage 1987 Southern Living Recipe Collection.

With 5 young men in my household I definitely needed more than 1 loaf and make all my homemade breads in my BOSCH. So I knew I needed to adapt the recipe.
I have done this often through the years of using my BOSCH to bake all of our family's breads. Here's how to adapt any recipe for a BOSCH Kitchen Mixer.

1) Read through the recipe and find the yield. If it isn't listed you can estimate the yield per loaf by the primary liquid in the recipe, such as milk or water. 1-1 1/2 cups will usually give 1 loaf. 

2) Then multiply each ingredient by 2x or 3x. In the recipe I adapted today I saw 1 cup of scalded milk as the primary liquid and 1/2 cup of water. I often use dry milk powder in my bread recipes as it is simpler than scalding milk and I don't like to "waste" our delicious raw whole milk we get straight from a local dairy on recipes as it's our "drinking" milk. So in this particular recipe I added 4 1/2 cups of very warm water and 1 cup of dry milk powder. I knew from the liquid amount after multiplying by 3x that I would get a yeild of 4 large loaves. 

3) Always put in every ingredient, in any sequence, that is listed in the recipe EXCEPT for the liquid, flour & yeast.  The reasoning behind this is that it takes you time to measure and add those ingredients and while that is being done your liquid could get too cool to activate your yeast. (It needs to be at 110-120 degrees). 

4) Next add the very warm liquids (use a thermometer if you are not used to the "feel" of 110 degree water). Usually the hottest tap water is just right as most home hot water heaters are set to heat the water to about 110 degrees. 

5) The next step is to add in 3-4 cups of the entire amount of flour called for in the recipe and then sprinkle the yeast on top of the flour "barrier" as it will protect the yeast just in case the water is a bit too hot. As soon as the yeast is sprinkled in- turn on the mixer and began to combine the ingredients. 

6) Now add in the rest of the flour called for in the recipe, 1 cup at a time, and let the mixer do the kneading. Remember 5 minutes at medium speed is usually sufficient in a BOSCH mixer to fully develop the gluten in the dough. 

The original recipe was 1 pkg dry yeast. I only use SAF yeast and have a large canister of it. 1 pkg is equivalent to a heaping Tablespoon so I used 3 heaping Tbsp. The oringinal recipe called for 1/4 cup of shortening so I again multiplied by 3x and so added 3/4 cup of shortening. Add continue on multiplying by the same amount per each ingredient. Also it is good to follow the directions I have given for the mixing vs. the recipes instructions. It has worked for every bread recipe I have ever tried. Follow the rising and baking instructions per your original recipe.

For Marmee's Adapted Recipe for
County Fair White Bread for the BOSCH Kitchen Mixer
Yield 4 large 10" loaves 

Yumm! One of life's simple pleasures....homemade bread & butter!

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