Marmee's May Morning Milkshake


How I make my morning milkshake in the merry month of May!

Here's to a good morning!

1 high speed blender
(only a BOSCH ™ will do for me—thank you!)

2 big handfuls baby spinach leaves
(recommending organic & rinsed & shake dry)

1 + cups of almond milk
(“unsweetened” &“vanilla” but you can use anything even water)

2 heaping tablespoons of OJ concentrate
(just scoop it out of the container frozen)

2 scoops vanilla protein powder
(ISAGENIX ™ Creamy French Vanilla is the very best—thank you!)

1-2 cups ice cubes
(more for thicker shake—less for sucking it up with a straw)

Blend at high speed for about a minute until all is smooth and creamy and all ice has incorporated into the milkshake and then while running add a few more pieces of ice thru the funnel cap if a thicker shake is desired.

This should keep a healthy adult full and satisfied for over 3 hours! —and you have gotten a good dose of your green-stuff along with great taste too—what a boon!


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