Free Summer Fun for Children


Who doesn't like free fun! This type of fun is basically mess free...well I might should say stain-free? And a little water never hurt anyone...the frock will dry sooner or later!
Let them paint with water!

It sparks their imagination and creativity.
My grandchildren love to paint on our porch! If you don't have a porch...try the sidewalk? All they need is a big bowl of water (let's pretend its a paint bucket!) and a paint brush! Elizabeth had loads of fun creating circles, alphabet letters and 100 leg centipedes! She even used her imagination and told me which color she was using! First we would pretend it was pink, then yellow, then black! It's a great way to teach them to spell their name....so Grandma...go get a bowl of water and an paintbrush and let them have some fun!

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