God Knew Best


From "Streams in the Desert" a portion that blesses me to read and try to hold on to it when life holds things I cannot understand. . .

"If I could push ajar the gates of life, and stand within, and all God's workings see.
I might interpret all this doubt and strife, and for each mystery, I could find a key.

But not today. Be content, poor heart; God's plans, like irises pure and white, unfold, I must not tear the close-shut leaves apart - time will reveal the calyxes of gold.

And when, after patient toil, I reach the land where my tired feet, with sandals loosed, may rest, only then shall I clearly know and understand, I think that I shall say, 'GOD KNEW BEST!' "
~ adapted ~

A favorite spot on my 100 acre wood where I can enjoy all the
beautiful irises  and remember that
God ALWAYS knows best! 

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