Natural Self-Care on Pre-Cancer Skin Spots

Disclaimer: This is not intended as medical advice. This is my own personal experience of how I have healed multiple suspicious (pre-cancerous?) spots on my arm and face. Always consult your own doctor.
I was raised in the tropical sun on the continent of Asia. I have no memories of my Momsy slathering me with sunscreen - pretty sure it probably wasn't available in this 3rd world country we lived in for my childhood years. And our skin types just seem prone to sun damage.

My Daddy spent his latter years of life visiting the dermatologist monthly and having spots frozen and scraped and cut out and treated. Now that I am heading into my senior years, I find suspicious looking spots that just pop up on my arms and face occasionally.
I had a spot on my hand that looked very much like basal cell carcinoma and my dad had most of his spots diagnosed as this common type of skin cancer. My spot was only the size of a small pea and so I decided to try my own natural self-care to see if I could get it healed and as a last resort would go to a dermatologist.
I was successful and it has been 3 years and there is not even the slightest scar in this spot. I did not take any photos and so had no documentation to share. But I knew what I had done had worked!
Recently, I noticed a spot on my forearm and I knew it wasn't an insect bite or sore.

Pictured above-Forearm spot 1.19.2025
This was the day I decided this spot shouldn't be ignored any longer.
My treatment again was just an experiment and am sharing my own experience of what I did - it worked!
{see disclaimer above}
I put a very small amount of Ivermectin Paste (for horses) I purchased OTC directly on the spot and covered it with a large bandaid 4 different times. Waiting a day or two or three between applications of the Ivermectin. On the other days I used a Castor Oil Patch.
[I used organic castor oil in a glass bottle and soaked the pad of a large bandaid with it and put it on the spot.]
Every week or so I would give it a day or two to air out with nothing on it. I also put a drop of doTerra Frankincense essential oil on the area maybe 4 to 5 times after it was well on its way to shrinking and healing.

Forearm Spot on 1.21.2025
after 1 application of Ivermectin paste and 2 days of a castor oil patch.

Forearm Spot on 1.25.2025
Already improved so much after only 4 more days of treating it.

2.3.2025 Still improving.
No more Ivermectin applications just using a Castor Oil Patch daily and airing it out some days and using a drop of Frankincense.

2.18.2025 Almost gone!
Some nights I would break a Vitamin E Sofgel and spread the liquid vit E on the area.

This is the same area as all the photos shown above on 3.7.2025 just a little over a month
after I begin self-care on 1.19.2025.
Then just weeks later, I had a really bad breakout on my cheek. And one of the spots was not a breakout but flat, red, scaly and was about 1.5 inches long and .5 inches wide.

Once again, I decided to try natural self-care and then at a last resort go to a dermatologist. On my face cheek, I used a small red light therapy wand 5 min for 5 days a week. I couldn't use a castor oil patch as the bandaid seemed to irritate my skin. So I slathered the area in organic castor oil morning, noon and night. I used doTerra HD Clear roll on daily. Occasionally I would dab a bit of Frankincense EO on the spot along with the castor oil.


These treatments are totally painless and I am very happy with the healing results I have experienced in my self-care.
Here's to your health-take care of yourself!

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