Penny Savings Challenge!

Penny Savings Challenge!

If you spy a penny on the ground, do you take the time to stop and pick it up? 

Come along with me and save a few cents here and few cents there! You'll be surprised at how it can add up! The piggy bank, box, jar...whatever you are using to drop your savings into gets $1.62 added. That's it! You probably could find that hiding in the deep dark crevices of your pocketbook. Or you may discover it when you fold the laundry. On January 1 I only had to add 1 penny!  Now how easy is that? And on Dec 31 if you added the "change" each day you will have a total of $667.95!

Download my free PENNY CHALLENGE printable and let's save a few cents together. [Click the image for your free download. It's printable!]

A penny for each day of the year...so on Jan 1 since it was the first day of the year...you would drop in a penny.....on Feb 3 drop in 34 cents.  My printable chart will help you easily keep track of the amount needed and what day of the year it is.  

I keep mine in a big glass jar along with the printed chart and a marker. As soon as I drop it in -- I mark it off to keep track.  If I can keep at it -- by year's end I will have $667 plus a few cents!  

What would you do with $667 of savings? 


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Comments 1
  • Gabrielle

    We have a penny jar, and it is heavy! We have emptied in once and are about to do it again. :)

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