My Aching Back!
When I suffer from a lower back ache, I massage these pure essential oils morning & evening for a few weeks. I am careful not to lift any heavy objects to avoid re-injuring myself!
My aching back feels so much better with 2 drops Aroma-Touch® 2 drops Black Pepper, 3 Drops Deep Blue® and 2 drops Lemongrass. For a roll-on relief: I add 20 drops of each E.O. I listed above to a 10 ml glass roller bottle and finish filling it with fractionated coconut oil. It makes it much easier to just roll it right on my aching back!
Some people have sensitive skin to the potent concentrated oil so they must never use them directly on the skin unless they use along with a carrier oil like the fractionated coconut oil.
DISCLAIMER: This works for me using pure essential oils but is not intended as professional medical advice not will it cure, prevent or treat any disease. To read more about essential oils I use visit my oil shop here.