Ink & Watercolor Trials #0824 : Memory Jar

I have taken to painting with watercolor to slow down my life and just relax. I am not a professional—just picked up a brush and played with colors and found my happy place.
During today's painting time, a tree with a little swing hanging from the limb "preserved" inside a jar came to life on the page.
I love to add "words" to my pages, and I totally messed up adding my quote in permanent if at first you don't succeed...try, try again!
I tore some pages of a Bible on a shelf that is stacked with old Bibles (yes, I felt a little guilty, but I saved every scrap to use in future projects).
I glued these bits over my mishap of writing, typed out the quote, tore the paper around it and glued it on top of God's Words.
Going through the cold, bleak, dreary days of life will be more tolerable if you have stored up beautiful memories, and filled your memory jar with God's Words.
This painting has significance to me as a small swing hanging from a tree limb represents my baby I lost in miscarriage. (5.24.2001)
We named her Cameo. She was my baby #12.
She never saw the light of day, silent as a whisper...whisked away.
Here is the tiny swing hanging from a limb in my backyard
in memory of my baby, Cameo, built for me by my son, Luke.

My Cameo's grave here on our Greene Acres
The Resting Place.
I started painting, when I was finally able to begin. again. after the difficult time of burying another of my children. My son, Samuel Asher, at age 23, was killed by a drunk driver (10.14.2022). It has been therapeutic and very healing for me, and so every painting I do is in memory of my children who I have loved...and lost.
You can find some of what I used here:
ARCHES cotton paper:140 Lb:natural white:9x12
MeiLiang Watercolor Paint Set
Bleedproof White Paint
Black Ink Pens
Inspired by MarenaArt-Watercolor Artist : Youtube Channel

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