Make a Pressed Flower Journal

Make a Pressed Flower Journal

When you have little else to give, you can give a handmade gift created from a few simple blossoms picked and carefully arranged to adorn the cover of a journal.

First, carefully lay the freshly-picked blossoms or stems on absorbent paper, like a tissue.  Fold over to enclose the blossoms and leaves.  Place between the pages of a large book and close the book.  Set aside and add a few more books to the stack to help weigh it down.  Allow to sit undisturbed for 4-5 days.

   Purchase a blank journal or assemble papers to make your own.  Carefully lift the dried blossoms from the tissue with tweezers and adhere to the cover with an acid-free glue pen.  Then cover with a clear adhesive paper.  Add a satin ribbon page marker with a charm tied to the end for a special touch. 

To preserve the memory of your creation, add a nameplate to the inside cover.  The flowers fade as the years slip by, but the love of a gift from your garden lasts long.

Pressed Flower Journal handmade by Martha :: Year of 1995 for my mother
Pages penned by Elizabeth Gurganus and she left it to me as a keepsake when she passed away.  



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Comments 1
  • Debra P Dennis
    Debra P Dennis

    I remember my sweet mama drying flowers like this. She used tissue paper and placed it our family Bible. I have that Family Bible now, within it’s pages are those flowers. I have mine and Dwight’s Family Bible and I have pressed many flowers in my Bible as well. Such beautiful memories.💕

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